Est-il encore temps d'empêcher l'exploitation minière des …

L'enjeu du rendez-vous de 2025 est donc crucial : il s'agit de faire adopter formellement un moratoire sur l'exploitation minière des grands fonds marins, et de freiner le réchauffement ...

Being realistic about coal mine rehabilitation in Indonesia: An

To reach PT Singlurus Pratama's rehabilitation sites, which cover more than 100 hectares (250 acres), we had to drive through the heart of the mining operation. We made this trek every day for several months, and …

Panel A shows location of the PT Singlurus Pratama coal …

The mine is housed within a Conservation Forest Area, thus, in accordance with Indonesian law PT Singlurus Pratama is obligated to return the site back to native forest ( Rinaldi & Yassir, 2017).


Singlurus Pratama (SGP) is in the coal production and distribution, having coal mining operation under the coal concession of the third generation "Coal Contract of Work" …

PT. Singlurus Pratama Office

Peta dan Alamat Lokasi PT. Singlurus Pratama Office, Jl. MT. Haryono No 85,89, Balikpapan., .

PT. Singlurus Pratama | (021) 8307679 | Daerah Khusus …

Anda bisa menghubungi PT. Singlurus Pratama lewat telepon menggunakan nomor (021) 8307679. Kategori utama PT. Singlurus Pratama adalah Manajemen korporat.


de l'exploitation minière sont souvent détournées à des . fins personnelles, au détriment du développement . économique de la nation. Par rapport à la gouvernance minière, Mazalto Marie ...

PT. Prakarsa Mitra Abadi

PT Prakarsa Mitra Abadi is a focused emerging an Indonesian-owned coal mining company, established since 2008, with offices in Jakarta and Balikpapan, Indonesia and …

Mulyono Sgp

HSE Supervisor di PT Singlurus Pratama Indonesia. Terhubung endro aribowo Chief Quality Control at PT Singlurus Pratama Indonesia. Terhubung yogi julian geologist at PT. Singlurus Pratama Daerah Tingkat I Kalimantan …

(PDF) Habitat preference based on herpetofauna spatial

Singlurus Pratama. Th e survey was conducted in the area of revegetasi, forest fragmentation, the district adjacent to the m ining a rea, rivers and wa ter spots or natural and man-made on two ...

Habitat preference based on herpetofauna spatial …

This research was conducted to know the preferences of the herpetofauna of habitat based on spatial distribution of herpetofauna in the vicinity of mining area of PT Singlurus Pratama. The survey was conducted in the area of revegetasi, forest fragmentation, the district adjacent to the mining area, rivers and water spots or natural and man ...

Mining sites in Indonesia's disaster-prone areas a ticking …

The Mining Advocacy Network (Jatam), an Indonesian NGO, says 104 mining concessions, covering a combined area of 1.6 million hectares (3.9 million acres) — half the size of Belgium — are ...

Rapat Penilaian Dokumen Adendum Andal dan RKL RPL PT. Singlurus Pratama …

SAMARINDA – PT. Singlurus Pratama (PT. SGP) merupakan perusahaan swasta Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) yang memiliki Wilayah Kegiatan Operasi Produksi seluas + 21.699 ha (Penciutan Kelima berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor : 368.K/30/DJB/2016 …

Parwoto Parwoto

HSE Supervisor di PT Singlurus Pratama · Pengalaman: PT Singlurus Pratama · Pendidikan: Universitas Balikpapan (UNIBA) · Lokasi: Indonesia · 29 koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Parwoto Parwoto di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 …


Singlurus Pratama was established as a single-purpose company to carry out coal mining operation and distribution activities up to a maximum period of 30 years starting from …

Mitigating the Damage from Coal Mining in East Kalimantan, …

PT Singlurus Pratama, a coal mining company operating outside the city of Balikpapan in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, participated in and partially hosted two ELTI trainings in …

Company History – LANNA RESOURCES Public Co.,Ltd.

Singlurus Pratama to Lanna Resources Public Company Limited to directly hold shares. Lanna Resources Public Company Limited has established Lanna Power Generation Co., Ltd. on July 7, 2016 to engage in the business of coal-fired power plants and renewable energy both domestically and overseas as the core business, with LANNA holding …

Indra Dwi Cahyo Putro

Shipping Officer di PT. SINGLURUS PRATAMA · Tetap Menjadi Pribadi yang baik Dan berguna bagi sesama.Tujuan Karier : Meningkatkan …

Tome 6

Les phases d'exploitation minière et de traitement de minerai sont souvent les plus stigmatisées. des grandes étapes de la vie d'un projet minier de par les impacts potentiels craints, à ...


SGP has commenced its coal production and distribution since July 2009, having received a coal mining concession (Coal Contract of Work Generation III) from the Government of …


Les mines contribuent à la civilisation humaine, La République Démocratique du Congo espèrent avoir une grande partie de son PIB de l'industrie minière. Dans ce cours nous parlons des mines ...


SEMINAR HASIL-HASIL PENELITIAN REKLAMASI LAHAN PASCA TAMBANG: ASPEK KEBIJAKAN, KONSERVASI DAN TEKNOLOGI" Balikpapan, 27 November 2013 (Halaman 39-45) Agus Tandri. PT. Singlurus Pratama. Jl. M. T. Haryono No. 85-89, Kelurahan Batu Ampar, Balikpapan 76126 Kalimantan Timur Email: …


PT. SINGLURUS PRATAMA ANNUAL REPORT 2011 PAGE 3 Company Profile 005 Vision and Mission 006 Report of the Board of Directors 008 Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors 009 Financial Information 010 Business Activities 012 Significant Developments in the Past Year 014 Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility …

(PDF) Studi Reklamasi Pada Lahan Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan …

Singlurus Pratama site gained independence in the planting year 2010, 2011 and 2012. From the analysis that has been done, it is known that the location of post coal mine site merdeka at PT. Singlurus Pratama has a soil texture is sand with a soil structure is a granular which affects the size of porosity in the soil.

Backfilling Process inPT. Singlurus Pratama, Samboja, Kutai …

In the present research, AMD samples collected from an abandoned mine were treated with fly ash samples from four thermal power plants in Singrauli Coalfield in the proximate …


PT. Singlurus Pratama is respectful of its host communities and has never neglected the principles and responsibilities to the society, communities and environment. The Company engages in intensive dialogues with the communities associated with our operations to ensure that their social and economic requirements are entirely addressed.

PT. Prakarsa Mitra Abadi

ABOUT US. Mentawir-Coal Products (GAR 6500 & 4200 ) and 75 TPH Methanol Production from Coal, H2 and Co2. PT Prakarsa Mitra Abadi is a focused emerging an Indonesian-owned coal mining company, established since 2008, with offices in Jakarta and Balikpapan, Indonesia and having its owned coal-mine-asset with IUP operation …


Pinggan Wahana Pratama Job Site PT. Singlurus Pratama, District Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Province of Kalimantan Timur) Ondo Immanuel Samosir, Tommy Trides, Farah Dinna Program Studi Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mula E-mail : ondo.immauel08@gmail

(PDF) Exploitation des ressources minières et problématique de …

Cependant, les résultats utilisant notre mesure de l'exploitation minière principale IDSE sont très robustes à des contrôles supplémentaires ; l'effet négatif reste très significatif et essentiellement inchangé dans son ampleur même en contrôlant pour tous les autres effets simultanément (colonne 2).


Peta wilayah PKP2B PT Singlurus Pratama dimana di dalamnya terdapat blok Merdeka dan blok Mutiara. (Gambar 1) Gambar 1. Lokasi Penelitian (√) di Areal Konsesi PT Singlurus Pratama 2.4. Cara Kerja Pengumpulan data berupa tutupan vegetasi, spot air dan jenis herpetofauna, dan penandaan koordinat perjumpaan berdasarkan

Exploitation minière en Afrique : enjeux fiscaux, sociaux et

Dans ce contexte de compétition entre grandes puissances, on peut craindre que certains impacts socio-économiques et environnementaux négatifs propres à l'industrie minière soient ...

En Guyane, le combat contre les mines d'or industrielles continue

Dès le mois de mai dernier, le collectif Or de question et ses soutiens demandaient dans une tribune publiée par Libération l'adoption d'un « moratoire sur l'exploitation minière industrielle en Guyane ».Dans la foulée, le collectif reformulait sa pétition en ligne, qui a recueilli plus de 563.000 signatures : d'une opposition à la …


We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

Environnement : et si nous arrêtions l'exploitation minière

L'exploitation minière alimente le monde moderne, mais elle cause également d'importants dégâts environnementaux. Que se passerait-il si nous essayions de nous en passer ?

Panel A shows location of the PT Singlurus Pratama coal …

The research was carried out in the concession area of a coal mining company in Berau, East Kalimantan, which was divided into three sites: Sambarata Mining Operation …


Pinggan Wahana Pratama Job Site PT. Singlurus Pratama, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Ondo Immanuel Samosir, Tommy Trides, Farah Dinna. Abstract. Kegiatan penambangan batubara tidak dapat dipisahkan dari permasalahan-permasalahan ekonomi yang kompleks sehingga …

Keanekaragaman Herpetofauna di Lahan Reklamasi …

Lokasi penelitian di kawasan pertambangan batu bara PT Singlurus Pratama Kalimantan Timur, di Blok Merdeka. Dengan koordinat geografis 1⁰ 08' 00'- 0⁰ 53' 00,1" LS dan 117⁰ 11'

Kartono Kartono

4. Mine Plan Engineer (MPE) at PT. Singlurus Pratama · Pengalaman: PT. Singlurus Pratama · Pendidikan: Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional …