Alunite supergroup minerals from advanced argillic …

The study of alunite supergroup minerals (alunite, jarosite, and aluminum-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals) that are part of the acidic alteration assemblages, can help to better constrain the hydrothermal and supergene alteration events, as these minerals record information about the precipitation environment and the nature and …

Alunite Mineral Data

Environment: Rock forming mineral where acid, often ore-bearing, solutions have altered orthoclase feldspar-rich rocks. IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1824. Locality: Marysvale, Utah. Link to MinDat …

Alunite Nevada | Southwest Explorers

Alunite Nevada History. The Alunite district is located in the vicinity of Railroad Pass about 19 miles southeast of Las Vegas. The district occupies most of T23S, R63E in the Black Hills, southwest of Railroad Pass. The southern part of the district may have been known as Flatiron in 1910. Averett (1962) lists Glonite as an alternate name.

Tot ce Trebuie să Știi despre Alunițe | Dr. Leventer Centre

Această regulă este un protocol internațional pentru monitorizarea alunițelor. Sunt identificate 5 aspecte de care fiecare persoană trebuie să țină cont când vine vorba de alunițe: A – asimetrie. B – (border) bordurile sau marginile neregulate. C- culoarea – mai multe culori sau o pigmentare neuniformă. D – diametrul – mai ...

Marysvale Alunite

A second Alunite mill was located about 4.5 miles southwest of the Marysvale mill, at what is now the ghost town of Alunite, near the mouth of Cottonwood Creek canyon. This second site was the mill of the Mineral Products Corp., organized in 1915 by American Fertilizer company, an affiliate of Armour Packing company.

Alunite – WGNHS – UW–Madison

Alunite is an inconspicuous grayish massive mineral formed by the alteration of pyrite and other sulfides during weathering or solfatara activity. It is probably widespread in Wisconsin but has so far been reported from only one locality.

(PDF) New Insights into the Pre-Concentration of Alunite …

Alunite is the main non-bauxite source of aluminum. Due to the low Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) of alunite, froth flotation, as a pre-concentration method, is a viable alternative to increase ...

Alunitele: ce sunt, de ce apar si ce riscuri prezinta

Alunițe congenitale. Alunițele congenitale, adică nevii congenitali, sunt cele prezente pe piele încă de la naștere. Acestea sunt cauzate de melanocitele de la nivelul dermului, epidermului sau a amândurora. Alunițele congenitale pot avea diverse dimensiuni și sunt adesea denumite „semne din naștere".

Alunite Supergroup: Mineral information, data and localities.

This supergroup includes: Alunite Group, Beudantite Group, Plumbogummite Group and Dussertite Group. Various other names have been used for these groups (see Mills et al. 2009; Bayliss et al. 2010). Crystals in the group are generally small, imperfect, and rare.


as nepheline and alunite rocks can be lower, in the range of 22-26%. While in the work of Edwards [5] published 1930 typical alumina content in bauxite was 60 % giving it more distinctive advantage, now bauxite of 38-43 % Al 20 3 is not uncommon. Whereas, in the beneficiated non-bauxitic products like coal fly

Cartografierea alunitelor, scoatere, extirpare …

Celulele / melanocitele din alunite sunt absolut normale, simetrice, ordonate. Din acest motiv alunitele vor aparea pe piele sunt forma unor mici pete brune de forma si culoare relativ regulate. Melanomul, pe de alta …

Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of alunite …

Alunite crystals are typically fine-grained, creamy white to light pink tint color, and are commonly found as fracture-fillings (Fig. 2 D), open space filling along with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and enargite, or disseminated and surrounding the brecciated argillized dacite (Fig. 2 E). Alunite is also present in barren veins or stringers (Fig. 2 F).

Alunite KAl3(SO4 2(OH)6

Mineral Group: Alunite group. Occurrence: Formed between 15 C and 400 C by the action of sulfate, which may be generated from pyrite or solfataric action, on aluminous rocks, commonly accompanied by kaolinitization and silicification. Association: Kaolinite, halloysite, diaspore, pyrite, gypsum, quartz.

Alunitele: monitorizarea si indepartarea chirurgicala

Alunite mai mari de 5-6 mm sau cele care asociaza crestere accelerata in perioade de timp relativ scurte; Prezinta margini neregulate; Variatii de culoare in cadrul marginilor care delimiteaza nevul pigmentar; Asimetrie. Afla mai multe despre alunitele care ne dau de gandit. In ce consta procedura de indepartare chirurgicala a alunitelor?

Alunite: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Alunite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Alunite is a stone of stability and balance. The crystal resonates with the Yin-Yang energy to bring harmony into a person's life. If you think you could use a break from the chaos of the world, Alunite may be a good option to look into in order to bring some organization and tranquility into your life.

Nevii sau alunitele

Alunite atipice? Alunitele atipice sau displazice: sunt asimetrice; au margine neregulata; au diverse culori, de la brun deschis la brun inchis sau chiar negru/albastru/gri; pot fi localizate oriunde pe corp …

Alunitele: ce sunt si ce trebuie sa stim despre ele?

Motivele pentru care o persoana si-ar putea dori sa elimine alunitele sunt diverse. Spre exemplu, unele alunite pot fi deranjante din cauza dimensiunilor si a zonelor in care se afla, in timp ce altele pot reprezenta un risc pentru melanom.Indiferent de motivul pentru care acestea trebuie eliminate, trebuie stiut ca este absolut interzisa eliminarea …

Alunite dissolution rates: Dissolution mechanisms and …

Alunite (KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6) is a hydrated aluminous sulfate mineral associated with acidic, oxidizing aqueous environments on Earth.Additionally, orbiting spacecraft and rovers on Mars have reported spectral data that indicate a range of mono- and polyhydrated sulfate phases and hydroxysulfate phases, suggesting such conditions …

Leaching kinetics and mechanism of alunite from alunite …

The crystal structure of alunite KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6 is centrosymmetric (Wang et al., 1965; Stoffregen et al., 2000; Maubec et al., 2012). Fig. 1 illustrates the crystal structure of alunite. It consists of sheets of distorted corner-sharing AlO 2 (OH) 4 octahedra, each sharing all the OH groups in the basal plane to form large hexagonal …


Alunite (alumstone) has been economically exploited in the past, particularly in the Sevier River Valley in the vicinity of Marysvale, southern Utah, USA. Alunite was used as a source of "potash" (K), aluminum (Al), and …


Occurrence of Alunite and Useful Mineral Association. Alunite is formed between 15°C (59°F) and 400°C (752°F) by the action of sulfate generated from pyrite or solfataric action on aluminous rocks, along with silicification and kaolinitization. It is closely associated with quartz, gypsum, pyrite, diaspore, halloysite, and kaolinite.

Alunitele: Ce sunt si cum le identificam pe cele cu potential

Alunițele reprezintă formațiuni tumorale benigne, variabile din punct de vedere microscopic și macroscopic. Pot fi congenitale sau dobândite și sunt localizate cel mai frecvent pe piele, dar pot să apară și pe mucoase sau fanere (unghii). Majoritatea adulților prezintă nevi în număr variabil, de la câțiva până la câteva sute ...

Alunițe cancerigene: cum arată și de câte tipuri sunt

Epitelioamele spinocelulare (n.r. – cunoscute și cu numele de carcinoame cu celule scuamoase) reprezintă a treia formă majoră de cancer de piele cu determinare pe buze, pavilioanele urechilor sau în zona genitală. Și acest tip de cancer de piele este, de asemenea, într-o incidență crescută, ceea ce face ca generic, noțiunea de cancer de …

Alunite: Mineral information, data and localities.

Alunite Group > Alunite Supergroup. Name: Named from the Latin for alum. Co-Type Localities: ⓘ Allumiere Quarries, Allumiere, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Lazio, Italy ⓘ Muzhijevo (Muzhievo deposit), Berehove, Berehove Raion, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine. Common member of the alunite supergroup.

Characterization of alunite supergroup minerals by

Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the molecular structure of different natural minerals of the alunite supergroup (AB 3 (XO 4) 2 (OH) 6), with A = K +, Na +, Ca 2+, Sr 2+, Ba 2+, B = Al 3+, Fe 3+ and X = S 6+, P 5+.The influence of the ions, in A-, B- and X-sites, is highlighted in the Raman spectra by variations in the position of …

Alunite | Mineral, Description, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

alunite, a widespread rock-forming sulfate mineral that occupies pockets or seams in volcanic rocks such as rhyolites, trachytes, and andesites, where it presumably formed through their chemical reaction with escaping sulfurous vapours. It has been used as a source of potash (during World War I) and as a source of alumina (during World War II ...


Alunite, or alumstone, is a mineral that was first observed in the 15th century in Monti della Tolfa, north to Rome, where it was mined for the manufacture of alum. First called aluminilite by J.C. Delametherie in 1707, this name was contracted by François Beudant …

Alunite Mineral Information photos and Facts

Alunite Mineral Information photos and Facts. . Alunite Mineral Facts: Chemical Formula: KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6. Double sulfate of aluminum and potassium. It has also been called alumstone, on account of its use in the manufacture of alum. Colors: White, pink, gray or …

Alunite – WGNHS – UW–Madison

Alunite is an inconspicuous grayish massive mineral formed by the alteration of pyrite and other sulfides during weathering or solfatara activity. It is probably widespread in Wisconsin but has so far been reported from only one locality. Its habit, fine-grained nature and common intergrowth with minerals such as hematite, goethite, jarosite, melanterite and …


Jarosite. Peter Cogram, in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2018. Chemistry of Jarosite Family Minerals. Jarosite-family minerals form part of the isostructural alunite supergroup, which has the general chemical formula AB 3 (TO 4) 2 (OH) 6 (Jambor, 1999; Dutrizac and Jambor, 2000; Smith et al., 2006).There is …


Alunițele sau nevii melanocitari sunt formațiuni benigne plane sau proeminente la nivelul pielii sau mucoaselor, care apar ca urmare a proliferării în grupuri a celulelor ce secretă pigmentul pielii. Sunt foarte întâlnite, marea majoritate a adulților având între 10-40 de alunițe pe corp. De obicei, fototipurile cutanate cu piele ...