
GRAPHITES is one of our best anal remedies. We have given the kind of loose stool characteristic of the drug. This is, however, exceptional, for it generally tends to constipation instead of diarrhoea. The STOOLS are KNOTTY and LARGE, the lumps sometimes UNITED by MUCOUS THREADS and mucus often follows the stool.

A Comparison of Production Routes for Natural Versus

Natural and synthetic graphites are used as battery material in many applications. Natural graphite can form in the earth's crust at about 750 °C and 5000 Bar pressure, but very slowly (requiring millions of years). As the natural carbonaceous material (mostly plant fossils) which has been available to mother nature varies in physical and ...

Soins pénalement ordonnés et positionnements …

Les soins pénalement ordonnés, incarnés dans la pratique par la PPSMJ qui y est soumise et en est à la fois objet/sujet juridique et objet/sujet psychique, sont au cœur des pratiques et s'articulent entre un axe Santé–Justice et un axe évaluation.Orientation–Réinsertion.Prévention.

Graphite Particle-Size Induced Morphological and

The selection includes synthetic graphites with different particle-size distributions, where the d-values indicate the particle size at 10, 50 and 90 wt% of the …


The most important symptom of Graphites is impotence. There is a want of sensation during coition with ho discharge of semen. It also acts on the organs. We find affections of the left ovary with enlargement of that gland, and with scanty delayed menses, chilliness, constipation and coexistent eruptions.

Graphites in homeopathy (all you need to know)

The Graphites homeopathic remedy is obtained by triturating graphite with lactose and subsequent dilutions and dynamizations in hydroalcoholic solution. Graphite is a mineral consisting of crystallized carbon, iron oxides and other minerals. It is generally present in nature in the form of leafed masses or ranular aggregates, rarely as crystals.

Soins pénalement ordonnés et positionnements …

Les mesures pénalement ordonnées correspondent à des soins initiés sur décision judiciaire. Il existe quatre mesures prononcées par la justice dans le cadre de la consommation de substances : l'obligation de soins, l'injonction thérapeutique, l'injonction de soins ainsi que le stage de sensibilisation aux dangers de l'usage de produits …

Comment se déroule l'ordination d'un prêtre

Cette année, 126 hommes auront été ordonnés prêtres, la plupart le 27 juin prochain. Traditionnellement on privilégie dans les diocèses les ordinations au moment de la fête des saints ...

Graphites – গ্র্যাফাইটিস | হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধ – …

হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধ – হোমিওপ্যাথি মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা Homeopathy Medicine, homeopathy ...

Matthieu 9:2 Et voici, on lui amena un paralytique couché sur …

Matthieu 9 1 Jésus, étant monté dans une barque, traversa la mer, et alla dans sa ville. 2 Et voici, on lui amena un paralytique couché sur un lit. Jésus, voyant leur foi, dit au paralytique: Prends courage, mon enfant, tes péchés te sont pardonnés. 3 Sur quoi, quelques scribes dirent au dedans d'eux: Cet homme blasphème.…


GRAPHITES Black Lead-Plumbago. Like all the carbons, this remedy is an anti-psoric of great power, but especially active in patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands.


Graphites. The complaints of Graphites are worse morning, evening and during the NIGHT, especially before midnight. It is useful in people who are morbidly fat, or have been fat and are now emaciating; with constipation more commonly than diarrhoea; in women in these conditions whose menstrual habit is pale, late, short and scanty; catarrhal ...

Revue de la littérature

La restitution de cette revue se fera en deux temps; après avoir vu ce que recoupe le secret professionnel, et plus particulièrement le secret médical, tant en termes de définitions que de dérogations, il s'agira ensuite de s'intéresser aux diverses applications de ce dernier dans le cadre des soins pénalement ordonnés (injonction ...

Graphites Materia Medica

Constipation: Graphites is one of the best remedies for constipation. The patient sometimes goes days without a stool. Stool is covered with shreds of mucous and accompanied with great pain when passing, owing to the fissures. These fissures as well as haemorrhoids burn, smart and itch intolerably. Great Soreness and aching in the anus …

Graphite (C)

Graphite is a distinct material as it displays the properties of both a metal and a non-metal. Although graphite is flexible, it is not elastic and has high electrical and thermal conductivity. It is also chemically inert and highly refractory. Since graphite displays low adsorption of X-rays and neutrons, it is very valuable in nuclear ...

10 Grilles de nombres ordonnés 1 à 1000

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Graphites Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, …

Graphites 30, 200 and 1M are different powers (Potency) of the same medicine that is used by homeopathic physicians on different cases of skin diseases, constipation, menstrual troubles, eye complaints, ear complaints, fissures, haemorrhoids and for various complaints all over the body. The potency (power) of homeopathic …


The purified Graphite prepared by trituration and potentized. Introduced by Hahnemann. See Chronische Krankheiten. Proved by Hahnemann and his provers. See Allen's …

Le graphite HOPG: des comportements anodiques et …

Ainsi, le graphite HOPG a-t-il un comportement tout-a-fait particulier: le seuil est fonction des differents traitements anodiques et cathodiques subis par le materiau, ainsi que de leur amplitude. Il peut s agir d une dislocation lirniteedu materiau par inclusion de molecules de solvant avec disparition partielle de la structure dite HOPG .


Headache in morning on waking, mostly on one side, with inclination to vomit. Rheumatic pains on one side of head, extending to teeth and neck. Pain, headache. morning; on waking. with catarrh. in women; during period. burning; top of head (vertex) pressing (see bursting, pulling); back of head ( occiput. )

A-t-on réussi à faire remarcher un paralytique

D'autres recherches tentées ou en cours. Dans les années 1980 a été mené à Montpellier, sous la direction du professeur Pierre Rabischong, un projet européen nommé « Lève-toi et marche ».

Figures de style : le guide complet | La langue française

2.1 Les figures d'analogie 2.1.1 La comparaison. Définition : une comparaison en une mise en relation, à l'aide d'un mot de comparaison appelé le « comparatif », de deux réalités, choses, personnes etc. différentes mais partageant des similarités. La comparaison est l'une des plus célèbres figures de style et est très utilisée.

Homeopathic Graphites Benefits or Uses for …

Graphites 3x is mainly benefits in ulcers with glutinous, thick and sticky discharge. In addition, crusty scabby ulcers, with proud flesh cured with the homeopathic medicine Graphites 30. In fact, eczema in Graphites …

Microstructural investigations of natural and synthetic graphites …

Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of some of the studied. a) Br2 natural graphite sample, including a magnification between 42 and 47 (2θ) showing rhombohedral reflections marked with an asterisk; b) SG1 synthetic graphite sample; and c) Hu semi-graphite sample. In the case of semi-graphite (Hu) the diffraction pattern shows (00 l) …

Homeopathic International Forum | Dive into the healing …

Dive into the healing realms of Graphites with Dr. Reena's Homeopathic Clinic. Uncover the natural remedies that resonate with your body's innate wisdom. #Homeopathy #Graphites #NaturalHealing

The electrical properties of graphite

Artificial graphite is made by extruding or pressing a mixture of pitch and coke, then baking and graphitizing by heating at temperatures from 2000 to 3000° C. The crystal size …

Fabrication d'hybrides ¿-CD/CaSO4.2H2O hautement ordonnés …

Hinta: 44,80 €. nidottu, 2022. Lähetetään 5-16 arkipäivässä. Osta kirja Fabrication d'hybrides ¿-CD/CaSO4.2H2O hautement ordonnés et ¿-CD/Colorant M. Javad Niknam Jahromi (ISBN 9786204775623) osoitteesta Ilmainen toimitus Adlibriksen valikoimissa on miljoonia kirjoja, löydä seuraava lukuelämyksesi jo tänään! …


Graphites' therapeutic effects are attributed to their lubricating, anti-inflammatory, and tissue-regenerative properties. It helps soothe and heal skin …


Cracks or fissures in ends of fingers, nipples, labial comminssures; of anus; between the toes. Burning round spot on vertex (Calcarea, Sulphur – cold spot, Sepia, Verbascum). Cataleptic condition; conscious, but without power to move or speak. Takes cold easily, sensitive to draught of air (Borax, Calcarea, Hepar, Nux). Suffering parts emaciate.


J.T. Kent. GRAPHITES. The complaints of Graphites are worse morning, evening and during the NIGHT, especially before midnight. It is useful in people who are morbidly fat, or have been fat and are now emaciating; with constipation more commonly than diarrhoea; in women in these conditions whose menstrual habit is pale, late, short and scanty; …